Friday, March 12, 2010

Classroom Management Plan

Classroom Management Plan
1. Be Respectful.
            In order to keep a safe classroom environment where all students can learn, each student and the teacher must be respectful to each other, in all circumstances, despite differences in beliefs, opinions, or actions.
Logical Consequence: Students who are disrespectful in any way will be addressed one-on-one and be asked to apologize to whomever was offended.
2. Be Sincere.
            In order to keep a genuine atmosphere within the classroom so that all students feel secure, each student and the teacher must be sincere in actions and comments.
Logical Consequence: Students who are insincere will be addressed one-on-one in order to derive the root of the insincerity, and the instructor will work with student to discuss sincere actions.
3. Be considerate.
            In order to maintain respect and sincerity within the classroom, each student and the teacher must be thoughtful in actions and comments.
Logical Consequence: Students who are inconsiderate will be addressed one-on-one and be asked to create a list of considerate actions. The student will also be asked to apologize to whomever was affected by the inconsiderate action.
4. Be open.
            In order to create a level of togetherness and safeness within the classroom, each student and the teacher must be tolerant of each other, despite differences in beliefs, opinions, actions, and biological variances.
Logical Consequence: Students who are intolerant will be addressed one-on-one and will be informed of the hurt that intolerance creates. The student will be asked to apologize to whomever was affected by the act of intolerance. Future acts of intolerance will require the student to research causes and effects of intolerance.
 5. Be aware of appropriate language.
            In order to maintain a safe and respectful classroom, each student and the teacher must be aware of the language utilized to communicate with one another and take special care to avoid words that are harmful to others.
Logical Consequence: Students who utilize inappropriate language will be addressed one-on-one and be asked to apologize to those who were exposed to the inappropriate language. The student will also complete a journal entry describing why appropriate language must remain in the classroom. 

Building a Transformative Teacher