Monday, February 15, 2010

Ethnography Defined

3 I learned that creating an ethnography relates to drawing a caricature since an ethnographer cannot cover every detail and essentially highlights only a few major aspects of a society; I agree with making the research process as reflective as possible because new ideas or perspectives may stem from one’s reflection; I respect the quote “I am a subject, not an object” (8) because it is impossible to not be subjective, especially when making observations because of our predispositions.

2 Is it possible to go too far in one’s questioning of a school’s practices? Can an ethnography focus on one of Malinowski’s categories, such as social organization, or must all categories be covered in order to have an authentic ethnography?

1 I would like to learn more about “Causal Factor Propositions” because the “if X then Y” conversations seem to plague the teacher’s lounge, and I would like to learn how to be part of the solution not the problem, in a non-confrontational/non-know-it-all manner—especially as a new teacher.

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